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Tower of Champions is a special event for players to play challenging dungeons.

Skipping Floors[]

You can skip floors in the Tower of Champions by using stamina.

Floors you can skip to

  • 5F (20 Stamina)
  • 10F (65 Stamina)
  • 15F (135 Stamina)
  • 20F (230 Stamina)
  • 30F (230 Stamina) (requires 30F to be cleared in Red Tower)

You have to have the amount of stamina to skip. You can use an Orb or a Stamina Can to overflow stamina to skip floors.


  • You can only skip once

Floors 1-15[]

The first 15 floors can drop the corresponding monsters. Difficulty-wise, they are Savage and lower. You don't have to deal with the hazards as long as you have a team 6* monsters.

Floor Hazards Monsters Dropped Rewards
Enter Royce
None 419 421 425
Immortal Madness
Gravity Barriers 270 319 342 240
Divine Awakening
None 399 401 403
Fantasia Fest
Warps 475 479 481
Samurai Resistance
Mines 497 505 507 x5 Deluxpie
Fab Five
Conveyors 525 530 532
Revivers 580 582 587
Devilish Foes
Wind 638 640 642
Sun's Requiem
Pierce Obstructors, Warps, Revivers 602 604 609
Ninpo Nindo
Bounce Obstructors 673 675 683 x1 Dark 6*
Gravity Barriers, Damage Walls 705 707 709
Dust of Olympus
Warps, Ability Locks, Obstructors 738 740 745
A Final Song
Mines 773 778 780
Damage Walls 847 849 851
Scorpions, Poison, Revivers 801 803 811 x1 Divine Sharl

Floors 16-20[]

These Floors are around Extreme level. You need to bring monsters that deal with the hazards.

Floor Hazards Overall Strategy Rewards
Hungry Flame
Damage Walls, Gravity Barriers, Drones, Shields, Blocks - Bring at least 3 Null Damage Wall monsters
- Do not bring Deity Monsters
Raging Waves
'Gravity Barriers, Ability Locks, Movement - Stack Wood Null Gravity Barrier monsters
- Bring monsters with powerful Bump Combos
Poisonous Wyrm
Mines, Revivers, Poison, Obstructors, ATK Down, Ability Locks - Stack monsters with Homing Bump Combos
-Clear mobs every other turn
Golden Serpent
Warps, Revivers, Ability Locks, Poison - Bring Dark Null Warp monsters
- Do not bring Fiend monsters
Plague Scales
Gravity Barriers, Damage Walls, ATK Down - Bring Null Gravity Barrier monsters
- Do not bring Fiend monsters

- Focus on mob clearing

x1 King Mormite

Floors 21-25[]

The difficulty goes up rapidly. From now on, all Floors are No-Continue only.

Floor Hazards Overall Strategy Rewards
Damage Walls, No Hearts, Gravity Barriers, Shields, Recovery, DEF Up - Bring Water Null Damage Wall monsters
- Need at least 2 Recovery monsters
- Do not bring Demihume monsters
x1 Red Dragon Gem
Gravity Barriers, Drones, Healing Walls, ATK Down - Stack Wood Null Gravity Barrier monsters
- Do not attack the Boss on the first turn
x1 Blue Dragon Gem
Warps, Recovery, Poison, Revivers, ATK Down - Bring Deity, Wood, or Counter Slayers
- Defeat enemies before their Volatile Blasts
x1 Green Dragon Gem
Gravity Barriers, Poison, Shields, Healing Walls, Scorpions - Bring Null Gravity Barrier monsters
- Get monsters with Status Recovery or Detox Ableberries
x1 Light Dragon Gem
Gravity Barriers, Scorpions, Poison, Pierce Obstructors, ATK Down - Bring monsters with Poison Bump Combos
- SS with Knock Ups are great for Boss damage
x1 Dark Dragon Gem

Floors 26-30[]

Most of the Floors require monsters with 2 Null Abilities. General strategy comes from the first 2 rounds of Impossible Dungeons.

Floor Hazards Overall Strategy Rewards
Damage Walls, Warps, Shields, Drones, Revivers, DEF Up, Movement, ATK Down - Bring Water Null Damage Wall and Null Warp monsters
- Defeat the zombie loop by clearing both at once or 1 zombie with 2 mobs
x2 Orbs
Gravity Barriers, Warps, Obstructors, Revivers, Homing Absorbers, Ability Locks, Summon, Recovery, DEF Up - Bring Wood Null Gravity Barrier and Null Warp monsters
- Alternate Bounce and Pierce monsters
- One shot the enemies while dealing damage to Boss
x2 Orbs
Gravity Barriers, Mines, Movement, ATK Down, Recovery - Bring Bounce Null Gravity Barrier and Mine Sweeper monsters
- Pinch enemies to effectively clear them
x2 Orbs
Damage Walls, Mines, Ability Locks, Revivers, Skulls, Summon, DEF Up - Bring Null Damage Wall and Mine Sweeper monsters
- Defeat the zombie loop by clearing both zombies at once
- Focus on the Clone of the Boss
x2 Orbs
Gravity Barriers, Damage Walls, Blocks, Drones, Ability Locks, Obstructors, Healing Walls, Skulls, Summon, Laser Barriers, ATK Down, Movement - Bring Null Damage Wall and Null Gravity Barrier monsters
- Need both Bounce and Pierce monsters
- Bring monsters with powerful Bump Combos
x1 Babel

Floors 31-35[]

Difficulty increases even further. General strategy comes from the first round of Colossal Dungeons. You will have to bring monsters with the right Element.

Floor Hazards Overall Strategy Rewards
Elemental Effectiveness, Gravity Barriers, Magic Circles, Blocks, Wind, Revivers - Bring Water Null Gravity Barrier Bounce monsters
- Pinch between enemies to take them down before their Volatile Blasts
x2 Babel
Elemental Effectiveness, Mines, Gravity Barriers, Damage Walls, Drones, Blocks, ATK Down, Homing Absorbers, Healing Walls, Skulls, Sleep - Bring Wood Flight / Mine Sweeper monsters with NGB or NDW
- Focus on the Homing Absorbers
x3 Babel
Elemental Effectiveness, Damage Walls, Bounce Obstructors, Pierce Obstructors, Warps, Magic Circles, Drones, Revivers - Bring Fire Null Damage Wall Pierce monsters
- Defeat the Bounce Obstructors in one shot
x4 Babel
Damage Walls, Warps, Shields, Drones, Blocks, Laser Barriers, Skulls, Recovery, Summon - Bring Null Damage Wall and Null Warp monsters
- Focus on the Specters to debuff enemies
x5 Babel
Gravity Barriers, Damage Walls, Speed Walls, Blocks, Magic Circles, Skulls, Obstructors, Homing Absorbers, Revivers, ATK Down, Laser Barriers, Summon - Bring Null Gravity Barrier monsters
- Need both Bounce and Pierce monsters
- Use the Speed Walls to gain speed
x20 Orbs

Floors 36-40[]

Difficulty is the same as 31F - 35F.

Floor Hazards Overall Strategy Rewards
Elemental Effectiveness, No Hearts, Magma, Damage Walls, Revivers, Homing Absorber, Healing Walls, Laser Barriers, Movement, Warps, Blocks - Bring Water Null Damage Wall monsters
- Take down the Fairies for the Potion
- Proc the Galaxion's Counter for Healing Walls
x1 Element of Babel
Elemental Effectiveness, Damage Walls, Warps, Poison, DEF Up, DEF Down, Laser Barriers, Homing Absorbers, Counter, Healing Walls, Revivers - Bring Fire Null Damage Walls and Null Warp monsters
- Know the Counter Mode effects of mobs
x2 Element of Babel
Elemental Effectiveness, Gravity Barriers, Magic Circles, Skulls, Movement - Bring Wood Null Gravity Barrier monsters
- Do not take damage from the Skull effect (lasers) from the mobs
x3 Element of Babel
Mines, Damage Walls, Gravity Barriers, Homing Absorbers, Laser Barriers, Healing Walls, Blocks - Bring Flight / Mine Sweeper monsters
- Get the Shield by defeating the Demon to mitigate damage
- Do not bring Demihume monsters
x4 Element of Babel
Gravity Barriers, Damage Walls, Magic Circles. Laser Barriers. Revivers, Bump Combo Locks, Skulls, Counter Mode - Bring Null Gravity Barrier and Null Damage Wall monsters
- Bring monsters with high damaging Bump Combos
x40 Orbs
