New Red Stars Esclusive! - Onimaru Kunitsuna[]
- Onimaru Kunitsuna is the newest Red Stars exclusive!
- "Onimaru is one of the "5 Greatest Swords Under Heaven." Is this the start of a new batch of elemental exclusives?
Onimaru Kunitsuna Evolution (Fire 6★)
- Sling: Bounce
- Type: Balanced
- Ability: Mine Sweeper XL / Null Damage Wall / SS Reducer
- Gauge: None
- SS: Increases Speed and Strength & delays enemy attacks on contact for 2 turns. (28 Turns)
- Bump: Speed Up
Onimaru Kunitsuna Ascension (Fire 6★)
- Sling: Pierce
- Type: Power
- Ability: Super Mine Sweeper / Null Magic Circle
- Gauge: Wood Slayer / Drain
- SS: Increases Speed and Strength. (8 Turns)
- Bump: Attack Up
- Sub Bump: Power Field
New Impossible Series! - Adamantite[]
Adamantite debuts for the beginning of the next generations of Impossibles!
New Transcension! - Yatagarsu[]
Drops Next Tuesday, Apr. 14
- Sling: Bounce
- Type: Balanced
- Ability: Flight / Null Warp / Super Null Wind
- Gauge: SS Reducer
- SS: Increases Speed and Strength & sticks a remote machine gun on the first contacted wall. (16 + 8 Turns)
- Bump: Cross Stinger
- Sub Bump: Rebound Shockwave 12 (New!)
New Transcension: Kai! - Valkyrie[]
Drops Next Tuesday, Apr. 14
- Sling: Bounce
- Type: Super Balanced
- Ability: Super Null Damage Wall
- Gauge: Null Block
- Connect Skill: Null Warp / Weak Point Slayer (2 different Bias Types)
- SS: Bashes the first contacted enemy that deals more damage according to how many teammates were touched previously. (12 + 8 Turns)
- Bump: Twin Tag Laser XL
- Sub Bump: Cross Wave Destruction
Next Week's Max Luck Monsters[]
Other News[]
- Apologies for the lack of daily updates! Haven't had much free time due to real word job and pandemic
- Monst Day is today! Take advantage of the rewards!
- Next MS News is April 16. See you soon!