Monster Strike Wiki
Monster Strike Wiki

A general overview of the Bump Combos in the game. All damages (DMG) recorded in this page are based on 6* monsters at level 99 unless stated otherwise.


Volatile Blasts[]

Volatile Blast XL
JP Name EN Translation Balanced Type DMG Power Type DMG Speed Type DMG Blast Type DMG
白爆発EL Volatile Blast XL 3751 2679 3751 5252
The monster fires off a huge white blast that can trigger other Bump Combos around itself.
Monsters with Volatile Blast XL
1629 2082 2501 3186 3431 3801 3982 4508
4774 5048 5151 5152 5180 5728 5730 5783
5784 5856 5993 6019 6020 6256 6257 6268
6298 6377 6453 6501 6537 6557 6603
Volatile Blast L
JP Name EN Translation Balanced Type DMG Power Type DMG Speed Type DMG Blast Type DMG
白爆発L Volatile Blast L 3189 2279 3189 4465
The monster fires off a big white blast that can trigger other Bump Combos around itself.
Monsters with Volatile Blast L
721 787 1303 1134 1628 2736 3704 4108
Volatile Blast M
JP Name EN Translation Balanced Type DMG Power Type DMG Speed Type DMG Blast Type DMG
白爆発M Volatile Blast M 3189 2279 3189 4465
The monster fires off a white blast that can trigger other Bump Combos around itself.
Monsters with Volatile Blast M
308 414 422 431 436 493 706 723
1026 1053 1118 1236 1258 1302 1345 1494
1611 1963 2081 2735 2894 3607 3615 3703
3981 4107 4507 5745 5992 6267 6297 6556
Volatile Blast S
JP Name EN Translation Balanced Type DMG Power Type DMG Speed Type DMG Blast Type DMG
白爆発S Volatile Blast S 2342 1672 2342 3279
The monster fires off a small white blast that can trigger other Bump Combos around itself.
Monsters with Volatile Blast S
307 350 413 421 430 435 453 493
631 705 722 1052 1117 1199 1235 1345
1460 1493 1610 1747 1962 2531 2893 3606
3614 5175 5356 5562 6177


Devastation Blast
JP Name EN Translation Balanced Type DMG Power Type DMG Speed Type DMG Blast Type DMG
超絶爆発 Devastation Blast 58765 41974 58765 82270
The monster fires off a gigantic blast that can trigger other Bump Combos around itself. The radius is smaller than Volatile Blasts.
Monsters with Devastation Blast
2074 2145 2881 3715 3766 3841 3975 4010
4166 4564 4743 4778 4870 4947 4948 5146
5200 5211 5234 5298 5330 5331 5332 5334
5340 5343 5362 5389 5401 5420 5465 5469
5499 5503 5587 5608 5609 5610 5611 5623
5624 5625 5626 5664 5666 5667 5668 5735
5801 5804 5851 5852 5853 5892 5903 5929
5941 5962 6004 6134 6140 6141 6155 6175
6178 6201 6218 6222 6272 6292 6329 6358
6359 6369 6395 6405 6493 6575 6584
Destruction Blast
JP Name EN Translation Balanced Type DMG Power Type DMG Speed Type DMG Blast Type DMG
超強爆発 Destruction Blast 14649 10493 14649 20509
The monster fires off a huge blast that can trigger other Bump Combos around itself. The radius is smaller than Volatile Blasts.
Monsters with Destruction Blast
536 570 1339 1930 2109 2448 2528 2934
3082 3191 3241 3270 3271 3332 3442 3517
3518 3547 3579 3741 3857 3922 3995 4189
4212 4249 4409 4479 4539 4619 4623 4653
4686 4737 4740 4741 4744 4764 4794 4817
4856 4872 4925 4927 4941 4977 5009 5089
5111 5142 5167 5251 5491 5646 5681 5845
Giga Blast
JP Name EN Translation Balanced Type DMG Power Type DMG Speed Type DMG Blast Type DMG
超爆発 Giga Blast 7499 5249 7499 10499
The monster fires off a very large blast that can trigger other Bump Combos around itself. The radius is smaller than Volatile Blasts.
Monsters with Giga Blast
192 202 258 281 322 357 369 390
391 392 410 432 456 471 490 522
560 567 576 578 579 598 693 704
717 749 820 873 883 903 941 1022
1023 1028 1044 1065 1073 1092 1093 1094
1124 1167 1176 1207 1257 1267 1278 1285
1333 1386 1393 1417 1448 1464 1473 1502
1554 1640 1658 1679 1749 1658 1753 1754
1771 1827 1904 1915 2007 2026 2139 2159
2183 2200 2220 2221 2227 2250 2265 2350
2356 2382 2396 2417 2464 2523 2554 2563
2585 2671 2718 2765 2804 2876 2930 2931
2933 3094 3197 3200 3237 3362 3437 3589
3656 3673 3728 3738 3935 3970 3997 4180
4181 4289 4356 6757 4423 4443 4510 4876
4964 5165
Mega Blast
JP Name EN Translation Balanced Type DMG Power Type DMG Speed Type DMG Blast Type DMG
大々爆発 Mega Blast 7653 5357 7653 10714
Exclusive to 5* monsters. Bump Combo damage calculated with this in mind. The monster fires off a large blast that can trigger other Bump Combos around itself. The radius is smaller than Volatile Blasts.
Monsters with Mega Blast
114 134 152 172 182 191 201 233
245 251 256 267 277 280 297 314
321 329 356 363 367 368 371 373
389 409 467 476 489 534 559 566
569 577 583 597 605 692 718 748
779 804 819 843 863 902 943 993
1021 1042 1064 1072 1091 1256 1277 1284
1328 1350 1392 1409 1416 1432 1446 1472
1492 1553 1616 1642 1657 1676 1678 1698
1748 1657 1752 1776 1914 1957 7103 2072
2073 2182 2185 2219 2229 2249 2264 2304
2377 2381 2395 2416 2463 2479 2514 2522
2548 2553 2562 2584 2651 2717 2764 2803
2882 2932 3093 3105 3114 3161 3196 3199
3236 3401 3430 3546 3556 3586 3659 3672
3727 3737 3856 3921 3996 4036 6756 4442
4474 4509 4532 4685 4763 4855 4875 4963
5028 5141 5250 5333 5490 5645 5680 5928
6328 6574 6583
Super Blast
JP Name EN Translation Balanced Type DMG Power Type DMG Speed Type DMG Blast Type DMG
大爆発 Super Blast 6560 4592 6560 9184
Exists as Sub Bump Combo for all 6* monsters and as a Main Bump Combo for 4-5* monsters. Bump Combo damage calculated with this in mind. The monster fires off a big blast that can trigger other Bump Combos around itself. The radius is smaller than Volatile Blasts.
Monsters with Super Blast
68 82 102 113 122 133 151 171
181 232 244 250 266 276 290 296
313 328 362 366 370 372 450 475
571 582 600 604 778 803 842 862
992 942 1083 1134 1226 1270 1317 1327
1349 1378 1408 1431 1491 1503 1512 1544
1641 1662 1685 1697 1775 1815 1831 1956
2071 2091 2184 2228 2253 2288 2303 2369
2375 2376 2433 2443 2451 2462 2478 2510
2513 2555 2624 2635 2690 2705 2728 2734
2737 2751 2799 2807 2840 2871 2909 2986
3033 3104 3113 3127 3160 3189 3296 3331
3376 3395 3398 3401 3405 3448 3452 3466
3527 3555 3585 3626 3678 3705 3764 3804
3831 3872 3955 3961 3405 4177 4179 4478
4531 4563 4578 4704 4934 4944 5023 5030
5052 5219 5339 5370 6027 6061 6383
JP Name EN Translation Balanced Type DMG Power Type DMG Speed Type DMG Blast Type DMG
爆発 Blast 7200 5040 7200 10080
Commonly found in 1-3* monsters. Bump Combo damage calculated with 3* monsters as a basis. The monster fires off a blast that can trigger other Bump Combos around itself. The radius is smaller than Volatile Blasts.
Monsters with Blast
1 2 3 4 21 22 23 36
37 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
63 64 65 66 67 81 91 101
121 131 132 222 223 434 449 861
5657 5660 5663

ATK-Down Blasts[]

ATK-Down Blast-struction
JP Name EN Translation Balanced Type DMG Power Type DMG Speed Type DMG Blast Type DMG
超強攻撃ダウンブラスト ATK-Down Blast-struction 71750 51250 71750 100450
The monster fires off a gigantic blast that lowers the ATK damage of all enemies within.
Monsters with ATK-Down Blast-struction
5391 5991 6382

DEF-Down Blasts[]

DEF-Down Blast-struction
JP Name EN Translation Balanced Type DMG Power Type DMG Speed Type DMG Blast Type DMG
超強防御ダウンブラスト DEF-Down Blast-struction 71750 51250 71750 100450
The monster fires off a gigantic blast that lowers the DEF of all enemies within.
Monsters with DEF-Down Blast-struction
737 3293 3634 3916 4074 4266 4311 4546
4547 4587 4588 4756 4816 4817 4848 4901
5102 5168 5176 5382 5826 5890 5946 5947
6020 6237 6252 6308 6344 6461 6510 6511
DEF-Down Blast
JP Name EN Translation Balanced Type DMG Power Type DMG Speed Type DMG Blast Type DMG
防御ダウンブラスト DEF-Down Blast 51250 36606 51250 71750
The monster fires off a blast that lowers the DEF of all enemies within.
Monsters with DEF-Down Blast
535 1148 2943 3482 3483 3648 3671 3699
3773 3848 4683 4689 4690 4900 5658 5659

Status Recovery Blasts[]

Status Recovery Blast-struction
JP Name EN Translation Balanced Type DMG Power Type DMG Speed Type DMG Blast Type DMG
超強状態異常回復ブラスト Status Recovery Blast-struction 71750 51250 71750 100450
The monster fires off a gigantic blast that removes all negative statuses of all allies within.
Monsters with Status Recovery Blast-struction
5847 5915 5916 6103 6136 6227 6228 6535
Status Recovery Blast
JP Name EN Translation Balanced Type DMG Power Type DMG Speed Type DMG Blast Type DMG
状態異常回復ブラスト Status Recovery Blast 51250 36606 51250 71750
The monster fires off a blast that removes all negative statuses of all allies within.
Monsters with Status Recovery Blast
394 395 1087 1528 3660 3955 4008 4009
4436 4524 4748 4990 4991 4992 5068 5069
5182 5376 5484 5485 5496 5679 5731 5764


JP Name EN Translation Balanced Type DMG Power Type DMG Speed Type DMG Blast Type DMG
コピー Copy 0 0 0 0
The monster copies and fires off the Main Bump Combo of the ally who contacted it.
Monsters with Copy
381 382 468 1513 2549 2883 3106 3059
3061 3207 3208 3455 3826 3827 4200 4201
4220 4221 4384 4429 4430 4475 4676 4677
4757 4758 4884 4885 4902 4903 4952 4953
4999 5000 5176 5225 5226 5313 5314 5411
5412 5462 5527 5528 5736 5737 5862 5863
5888 6075 6205 6206 6304 6343 6344 6394
6525 6593

Flames & Breath[]


Poison Mist
JP Name EN Translation Balanced Type DMG Power Type DMG Speed Type DMG Blast Type DMG
毒霧 Poison Mist 539 385 539 755
The monster fires off a non-elemental poison mist next to itself towards the nearest enemy and inflicts poison damage if an enemy is within the mist.
Monsters with Poison Mist
1205 1206 1598 1659 2070 2157 2158 2591
2592 2741 3583 3584
Flame Destruction
JP Name EN Translation Balanced Type DMG Power Type DMG Speed Type DMG Blast Type DMG
超強フレーム Flame Destruction 27625 19732 27625 38675
The monster spits out a huge non-elemental flame next to itself towards the nearest enemy.
Monsters with Flame Destruction
1355 2995 3989 4242 4633 4742 4911 5651
JP Name EN Translation Balanced Type DMG Power Type DMG Speed Type DMG Blast Type DMG
フレーム Flame 13812 9866 13812 19337
The monster spits out a non-elemental flame next to itself towards the nearest enemy.
Monsters with Flame
1063 1102 1103 1104 1361 1362 1363 1621
1622 1693 1873 1948 1949 2014 2015 2045
2404 2405 2699 2700 2968 2969 3325 3760
3761 3873 3874 3966 3967 4077 4078 4632


Rampage Breath
JP Name EN Translation Balanced Type DMG Power Type DMG Speed Type DMG Blast Type DMG
ランページブレス Rampage Breath 51250 36606 51250 71750
The monster spits out 15 elemental plumes around itself.
Monsters with Rampage Breath
5463 5464 5936 5956 6259 6260 6306 6356
6357 6439 6440 6544 6545
Breath Devastation
JP Name EN Translation Balanced Type DMG Power Type DMG Speed Type DMG Blast Type DMG
超絶ブレス Breath Devastation 81979 58556 81979 114771
The monster spits out an extremely powerful elemental plume towards a nearby enemy.
Monsters with Breath Devastation
5463 5464 5891 5892 5997 5998 6306 6373
6516 6585
Breath Destruction
JP Name EN Translation Balanced Type DMG Power Type DMG Speed Type DMG Blast Type DMG
超強ブレス Breath Destruction 40989 29278 40989 57385
The monster spits out a powerful elemental plume towards a nearby enemy.
Monsters with Breath Destruction
166 2209 2354 2975 3389 3817 3828 3891
3892 3989 4126 4127 4190 4191 4238 4656
4657 4682 4806 4830 4834 4933 4949 4978
5001 5119 5162 5252 5482 5483 5638 5771
5772 6300 6301 6372 6515
JP Name EN Translation Balanced Type DMG Power Type DMG Speed Type DMG Blast Type DMG
ブレス Breath 29278 20912 29278 40989
The monster spits out an elemental plume towards a nearby enemy.
Monsters with Breath
1587 1964 1965 2205 2206 2207 2208 2211
2212 2460 2461 2489 2490 2581 2582 2636
2637 2752 2753 2759 2929 2974 3026 3027
3030 3205 3247 3248 3251 3292 3326 3327
3333 3361 3385 3419 3420 3458 3461 3488
3489 3490 3491 3621 3649 3735 3736 3765
3832 3833 3972 4016 4068 4145 4172 4198
4199 4229 4230 4233 4234 4235 4578 4617
4805 4829 4932 5044 5118 5161 5169 5170
5220 5601 5637 6384


For details, see Lasers.

Homing Bump Combos[]

For details, see Homing Bump Combos.


For details, see Spreadshots.



Ally Following Bump Combos[]

Energy Bursts & Energy Circles[]

Support Bump Combos[]

Slices & Blades[]

Meteors, Lightning, Glaciers & Acorns[]

Chain Lightning[]



AOE Bump Combos[]



Other Bump Combos[]

Collab Bump Combos[]

Random Sub-Bump Combos[]
