Monster Strike Wiki
Monster Strike Wiki

If your monster has a Badge of Honor, they will have access to ableberries! Ableberries are berries you can equip to your monsters for added benefits. These types of effects can range from boosting stats, increasing Bump Combo damage, to providing in-battle effects and quest bonuses.

Ableberries can be obtained in the Temple of Heroes. For more info, check out the Temple link.

Note: Multiple copies of the same ableberries do not stack in the same team or monster. For example, only one of the ableberries will activate if two monsters of the same class have Class Kinstrength, whereas both ableberries will activate if two monsters of different class.

Obtaining Ableberries

Temple of Heroes


The main way you can obtain ableberries is by clearing quests in the Temple of Heroes. Upon clearing a quest, you will get an automatic berry drop, but the grade of the berry will be at random. You also get additional berries for No Continue Clears, defeating the Boss, clearing the special bonus stage (appears randomly), completing the Time Trial quests within the respective time limit, or by random drops from defeating enemies (via co-op only).

Defeat Berry Bro!


You can also get a guaranteed S-grade or above berry by defeating the Berry Bro! The Berry Bro appears at random in any stage of the Temple quests. He will not attack and only has 1 cooldown timer. Be wary of his timer, as you have to defeat him before his cooldown reaches zero or he will escape.

Using Medals

You can also use medals to guarantee the berry that drops from clearing the boss is an S-grade or higher berry. By using 12,000 medals before beginning the stage, you can guarantee that the berry the boss drops will be S-grade or higher.

Ableberry Board


With the Ableberry Board, it is easier to farm for specific ableberries you want. If you get an S-grade or higher berry, and you choose not to equip it, that berry will be eliminated from your board, and it will no longer drop from the Temple quests. You can continue to do this to shrink the berry pool until you're able to get the berries you want. Once you do equip a berry, the board will reset and all berries will be available to drop again.


You can also turn off the Berry Board if you just wanted to add a berry to a unit without messing with your berry pool.

Berry Wand & Berry Can

Berry wand.icon

The Berry Wand is an item you can use to transfer 1 berry equipped to a unit onto a different unit. You can obtain Berry Wands by completing special missions or through special rewards.

Berry can.icon

You can also use Berry Can to upgrade an ableberry by 1 grade. This makes it especially easier to farm for S+ berries rather than just the S++ berries, as you can use a Berry Can to upgrade the S+ berry. Remember, once you've used a Berry Can on an ableberry, you cannot use another one on it. Therefore it is best to use Berry Cans on S+ ableberries so you can get the maxmimum grade.

List of Ableberries

Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Sidekick | 熱き友撃の力 +10% +12.5% +15% +20% +22.5% +25%
Increases Bump Combo damage.
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Cutthroat | 将命削りの力 -7.5% -9% -10.5% -12% -14% -16%
Shaves off a portion of a boss’s HP before the battle even starts.
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Scrapper | 兵命削りの力 -7.5% -9% -10.5% -12% -14% -16%
Shaves off a portion of all non-boss enemies' HP at the start of each stage.
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Knockout | 一撃失心の力 0.9% 1.2% 1.5% 2% 2.5% 3%
Has a chance of knocking enemies out on impact.
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Survivor | ケガ減りの力 -10% -12% -14% -20% -22.5% -25%
Reduces damage taken from enemies.
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Strike Haste | 速必殺の力 2 Turns - - 3 Turns 4 Turns 5 Turns
Reduces the Strike Shot countdown at game start.
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Mend | ちび癒しの力 +500 +525 +550 +800 +900 +1000
Restores HP each turn.
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Medic | ハート強化の力 - - - +10% +12.5% +15%
Hearts restore more HP.
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Genius | 学びの力 +20% +25% +30% +50% +55% +60%
Increases EXP earned in Quest Rewards.
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Profiteer | 荒稼ぎの力 +20% +25% +30% +50% +55% +60%
Increases Gold earned in Quest Rewards.
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Detox | 毒がまんの力 -50% -60% -70% -90% -95% -99%
Reduces poison damage.
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Clear Uncap | スピクリの力 4 Turns 5 Turns 6 Turns 7 Turns 8 Turns 9 Turns
Raises cap for Speed Clear.
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Time Keeper | Sランクの力 +20s +30s +40s +60s +90s +120s
Raises cap for S Rank.
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Tally Topper | スコア稼ぎの力 +20pt +30pt +40pt +60pt +80pt +100pt
Increases points earned for score bonus.
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Class Kinvigor | 同族の絆・加命 +500 +750 +1000 +1500 +2000 +2500
Boosts HP for your monster and others of the same Class (Dragon, Demon, etc.).
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Class Kinstrength | 同族の絆・加撃 +500 +750 +1000 +2000 +2500 +3000
Boosts Attack for your monster and others of the same Class (Dragon, Demon, etc.).
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Class Kinspeed | 同族の絆・加速 +6.6 +8.3 +10 +20 +26.6 +33.3
Boosts Speed for your monster and others of the same Class (Dragon, Demon, etc.).
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Style Kinvigor | 型の絆・加命 +250 +375 +500 +750 +1000 +1250
Boosts HP for your monster and others of the same Sling Style (Bounce or Pierce).
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Style Kinstrength | 撃種の絆・加撃 +250 +375 +500 +1000 +1250 +1500
Boosts Attack for your monster and others of the same Sling Style (Bounce or Pierce).
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Style Kinspeed | 型の絆・加速 +3.4 +4.2 +5 +10 +13.3 +16.6
Boosts Speed for your monster and others of the same Sling Style (Bounce or Pierce).
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Bias Kinvigor | 種の絆・加命 +250 +375 +500 +750 +1000 +1250
Boosts HP for your monster and others of the same Battle Bias (Balanced, Speed, etc.).
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Bias Kinstrength | 戦型の絆・加撃 +250 +375 +500 +1000 +1250 +1500
Boosts Attack for your monster and others of the same Battle Bias (Balanced, Speed, etc.).
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Bias Kinspeed | 種の絆・加速 +3.4 +4.2 +5 +10 +13.3 +16.6
Boosts Speed for your monster and others of the same Battle Bias (Balanced, Speed, etc.).
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Class Combo A | 加撃速 - - - ATK+1200
Boosts Attack and Speed for your monster and others of the same Class (Dragon, Demon, etc.).
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Class Combo B | 加命撃 - - - HP+1200
Boosts HP and Attack for your monster and others of the same Class (Dragon, Demon, etc.).
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Class Combo C | 加速命 - - - HP+1200
Boosts HP and Speed for your monster and others of the same Class (Dragon, Demon, etc.).
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Style Combo A | 加撃速 - - - ATK+600
Boosts Attack and Speed for your monster and others of the same Sling Style (Bounce or Pierce).
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Style Combo B | 加速命 - - - HP+600
Boosts HP and Attack for your monster and others of the same Sling Style (Bounce or Pierce).
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Style Combo C | 加命撃 - - - HP+600
Boosts HP and Speed for your monster and others of the same Sling Style (Bounce or Pierce).
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Bias Combo A | 加撃速 - - - ATK+600
Boosts Attack and Speed for your monster and others of the same Battle Bias (Balanced, Speed, etc.).
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Bias Combo B | 加速命 - - - HP+600
Boosts HP and Attack for your monster and others of the same Battle Bias (Balanced, Speed, etc.).
Ableberry A A+ A++ S SBerry S+ SS Berry S++SSS Berry
Bias Combo C | 加命撃 - - - HP+600
Boosts HP and Speed for your monster and others of the same Battle Bias (Balanced, Speed, etc.).